How do I install the MRTK 2 Toolset?

Install MRTK 2 Toolset to your project


First Installation

  1. Follow the steps listed in First Installation
  2. Import MRTK into the project
  3. Import Hololight Stream Extension for MRTK 2 into the project
    • Open Package Manager in the Unity editor (Window -> Package Manager) Click the + then Add package from tarball... and select the file<version>.tgz, where version is the current version, from the Packages directory contained in this repository

Project Configuration

Follow the steps listed in Project Configuration.

Scene Configuration

One-Click Scene Config

  • Choose Hololight -> Stream -> Configure MRTK to configure the scene for Hololight Stream. This will add and configure the necessary objects to the scene.

Manual Config

To configure the scene manually (e.g. to integrate with existing MRTK configurations) follow the steps below.

  • Configured the scene to use MRTK by selecting Mixed Reality Toolkit -> Add to Scene and Configure... in the top menu bar of Unity.
  • Select MixedRealityToolkit from the scene and in the Inspector panel, change the configuration profile to HololightStreamConfigurationProfile


After configuring the scene, confirm:

  • MixedRealityToolkit -> Camera -> Camera Settings Providers contains XR SDK Camera Settings
  • MixedRealityToolkit -> Input -> Input Data Providers contains Hand Joint Server
  • MixedRealityToolkit -> Input -> Input Data Providers contains Hololight Stream Device Manager
  • MixedRealityToolkit -> Input -> Input Data Providers contains Hololight Stream Touch Device Manager
  • MixedRealityToolkit -> Input -> Input Data Providers contains Hololight Stream Dictation Input
  • MixedRealityToolkit -> Input -> Input Data Providers contains Hololight Stream Speech Input

Configuring Additional Features

Some features are not enabled automatically by one-click scene configuration. Below are the necessary steps for enabling these features.

  • Eye Tracking:
    •  To MixedRealityToolkit -> Input -> Input Data Providers, add Hololight Stream Eye Gaze Provider
    •  Change MixedRealityToolkit -> Input -> Pointers -> Gaze Settings -> Is Eye Tracking Enabled to Enabled

First Run

Follow the steps listed in First Run.


The below list contains specific issues that may occur when running with the Hololight Stream MRTK Extension package installed. For all other troubleshooting issues, see Troubleshooting.

  • If several missing assembly reference errors appear, open Hololight Stream Extension for MRTK/Runtime/Hololight.Stream.Runtime.MRTK with Unity and confirm Override References is checked. If not, check it.