What are the Hololight Stream Network Recommendations?

Change Ports and set bandwith for your Network


You can modify server-side settings for your project by navigating to the Hololight Stream section. This area allows you to customize various parameters related to your connection process.

Signaling port

Sets the port used for signalling. The port number must be between 1024 and 65535. If unset, the port defaults to 9999.

Port range

The port range allows the user to specify the ports used for the running connection. The range must be between 1024 and 65535. You can set a single port by setting the minimum and maximum for the range as the same value. By default the port is set to 50100. This port can overlap with the signalling port.

Encoder bandwidth

Specifies the maximum encoder bit rate. A higher value will result in a better image quality but at the cost of network performance. The recommended range is between 10 Mbps – 100 Mbps. If the value is set to -1, the bit rate will take its value from the settings in the connected client

Network Requirements

  Minimum Recommended
Network Wi-Fi 5Ghz Wi-Fi 5Ghz
Bandwith 20 Mbit 40 Mbit
Round Trip Time max. 50 ms