Which Formats does Hololight Space support?

Supported File Formats

Hololight Space supports a wide range of 3D formats, which is crucial for professionals who rely on various Computer-Aided Design (CAD) systems. This extensive support ensures native compatibility, allowing users to seamlessly import and manipulate 3D models without the need for cumbersome file conversions.
By accommodating popular formats such as CATIA, Solid Edge, and Autodesk, Hololight Space enhances workflow efficiency, enabling engineers, architects, and designers to leverage their existing resources and collaborate more effectively. This versatility not only streamlines the design process but also fosters innovation by allowing users to focus on creativity rather than technical limitations.

Supported Formats
Dassault Systèmes CATIA v5 .CATPart, .CATProduct
Dassault Systèmes SOLIDWORKS .sldasm, .sldprt
Siemens JT .jt (8.x – 10.x)
Siemens NX .prt (up to NX 2412)
Siemens Solid Edge .asm, .par, .psm
Autodesk .fbx, .iam, .ipt, .svf
Autodesk Inventor .ipt, .iam
AEC/BIM .ifc 
PTC Creo .asm, .prt
STEP .step, .stp
Other 3D File Formats .usd, .usda, .usdc, .glb, .glTF, .obj, .stl
Video .mp4, .avi, .m4v, .mov, .wmv
Documents .pdf
Images .jpg, .png, .bmp